SICP Solutions: Section 1.3.4
Section 1.3.4 - Procedures as Returned Values
Exercise 1.40
will create and return procedures that should be solved using Newton’s
(define (cubic a b c)
(lambda (x) (+ (cube x)
(* a (square x))
(* b x)
Exercise 1.41
Defining double
is quite simple:
(define (double f)
(lambda (x) (f (f x))))
All the fun comes when trying to calculate something like
((double (double double)) inc)
(double double)
essentially returns a procedure that applies the original
prodecure 4 times. Therefore (double (double double))
will apply what it
receives receives \(4 * 4 = 16\) times. So if we start from \(5\):
> (((double (double double)) inc) 5)
; => 21
Exercise 1.42
(define (compose f g)
(lambda (x) (f (g x))))
Exercise 1.43
(define (repeated f n)
(if (= n 1)
(repeated (compose f f) (dec n))))
Exercise 1.44
Using the definition of dx
from above:
(define (smooth f)
(lambda (x) (/ (+ (f (- x dx)) (f x) (f (+ x dx)))
(define (n-fold-smoothed f n)
(repeated (smooth f) n))
Exercise 1.45
So the general function would be something like:
(define (root-n x n damps)
(lambda (y) (/ x (expt y (- n 1))))
(repeated average-damp damps)
The parameter damps
controls the number of repeated average damps.
Experimenting a bit showed that with 2 average damps we can calculate up to the
7th root. 3 average damps lets us calculate up to the 31st root. Using 4 damps
we were able to calculate at least up to the 512th root with no problems.
Exercise 1.46
We first define iterative-improve
. Note that it returns an anonymous procedure
that itself creates and executes a recursive procedure:
(define (iterative-improve good-enough? improve)
(lambda (guess)
(define (iter last-guess)
(if (good-enough? last-guess)
(iter (improve last-guess))))
(iter guess)))
Now we can implement sqrt
and fixed-point
(define (sqrt x)
(lambda (guess)
(< (abs (- (square guess) x)) 0.001))
(lambda (guess)
(average guess (/ x guess))))
(define (fixed-point f first-guess)
(lambda (guess)
(< (abs (- guess (f guess))) tolerance))
(lambda (guess) (f guess)))
This concludes Chapter 1. Onwards to Chapter 2 then!