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Chapter 2

Section 2.1 - Introduction to Data Abstraction

Section 2.1.1 - Example: Arithmetic Operations for Rational Numbers

Exercise 2.1

(define (make-rat n d)
  (let ((g (abs (gcd n d))))
    (cond ((or (and (< n 0) (< d 0))
               (and (> n 0) (< d 0)))
           (cons (/ (* -1 n) g) (/ (* -1 d) g)))
          (else (cons (/ n g) (/ d g))))))

Section 2.1.2 - Abstraction Barriers

Exercise 2.2

(define (make-segment start end) (cons start end))

(define (start-segment segment) (car segment))

(define (end-segment segment) (cdr segment))

(define (make-point x y) (cons x y))

(define (x-point point) (car point))

(define (y-point point) (cdr point))

(define (midpoint-segment segment)
  (make-point (average (x-point (start-segment segment))
                       (x-point (end-segment segment)))
              (average (y-point (start-segment segment))
                       (y-point (end-segment segment)))))

Exercise 2.3

We assume that the rectangle’s height and width are parallel to the x and y axes to simplify computations. We can define the procedures that calcualte area and perimeter as:

(define (rect-perim rect)
  (* 2 (+ (rect-width rect)
          (rect-height rect))))

(define (rect-area rect)
  (* (rect-width rect)
     (rect-height rect)))

Note that these depend only on the rect-width and rect-height selectors. Now we can create a rectangle representation based on its two opposing points:

(define (make-rect a c)
  (cons a c))

(define (rect-width rect)
  (abs (- (x-point (cdr rect))
          (x-point (car rect)))))

(define (rect-height rect)
  (abs (- (y-point (cdr rect))
          (y-point (car rect)))))

And another representation based on its diagonal. Note that we do not change any of the interfaces, just the underlying implementation:

(define (make-rect a c)
  (make-segment a c))

(define (rect-width rect)
  (abs (- (x-point (start-segment rect))
          (x-point (end-segment rect)))))

(define (rect-height rect)
  (abs (- (y-point (start-segment rect))
          (y-point (end-segment rect)))))
