SICP Solutions: Section 2.2.1
Section 2.2 - Hierarchical Data and the Closure Property
Section 2.2 - Hierarchical Data and the Closure Property
Section 2.1.3 - What Is Meant by Data?
Chapter 2
I’ve been meaning to do a retrospective of sorts for the past few years, each time I postponed it until it made no sense any more. Here goes.
Section 1.3.4 - Procedures as Returned Values
Section 1.3.2 - Constructing Procedures Using Lambda
Section 1.3 - Formulating Abstractions With Higer-Order Procedures
Section 1.2.5 - Greatest Common Divisors
Section 1.2.3 - Orders of Growth
Section 1.2
Section 1.1.7
I have been studying Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs for about one and an half months now. As everyone familiar with the book will know, at...
A couple of weeks ago I had to debug a really mind-boggling (for me) problem at work and it took me the better part of three days to figure it out. A Clojure...